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Rarity and beauty breeds mystique.

Jon Kuhn Glass Art

Speaking on his inspiration, Kuhn said:

"My philosophical expression in glass has always been a reflection of my interest in eastern mysticism. Recently it has come to focus on the inspiration from several personal meditative experiences. For specific subject matter, I make reference to my interests in architecture, music, mathematics, and textiles, as well as the formal considerations of structure and color. The pieces, in a sense, become architectural models for an inner world, possibly a better world."
Jon Kuhn rare cube Olympia glass sculpture

Olympia (sold)
15.5" x 12.5"

Jon Kuhn's work is in a vast number of prestigious permanent collections. Among a few notable are:

  • Metropolitan Museum of Art 

  • Wheaton American Glass Museum 

  • Museo de Vidrio (Mexico, D.F.)

  • Glasmuseet Ebeltoft (Denmark)

  • Corning Museum of Glass

  • The Vatican Museums

  • The White House Permanent Collection

  • Museum of American Art (Smithsonian Institution) 

  • Numerous Universities 

  • And dozens of other prestigious public and private collections.

Those familiar with Jon Kuhn need no introduction...

          Jon Kuhn rocketed onto the art scene in the 1980's and 90's with his vibrant and unbelievably complex refractive glass cubes. No one had seen glass forms with such complexity and use of light like them. Their scope was legendary and their appeal was universal. 

          After a brief hiatus from the glass art world, leaving collectors hungering for more, Kuhn has returned to actively creating glass art. His new works continue to incorporate his famous light refracting prisms, except they are more vibrant and intricate than ever before. He has transcended beyond his original cube shape and begun creating ultra complex custom installations with dazzling inner prisms that further defy optical reality. 

          Kuhn's work is incredibly labor and time intensive, it requires mathematical precision, surgical accuracy, and a team of people assisting his vision. He uses industrial machinery some of it meant for cutting stone. He has a relentless demand for quality and only produces a select handful of works that inspire him at any given time.

          Please direct all inquiries to Serious inquiries only; supply limited.  

Kuhn's sculptures radiate incredible energy as you walk around them. Each sculpture has glass elements within that float and move as they tantalize the viewer and dare you to look away for fear that you might miss one millisecond of beauty.

Own a legendary Jon Kuhn sculpture for yourself, and experience the magic of the light within.

((703) 299-0103

✉ 515 Madison Ave. Suite #8073
New York, NY, US 10022

We meet by appointment only.

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